There are many ways you can protect yourself and your loved ones from a viral infection.  According to Anthony William, viruses feed on specific foods such as eggs, oils, and gluten. By avoiding them in your diet, you limit the proliferation of any viruses in your body.

According to the same author, they also feed on toxins and heavy metals. So gentle detoxification may be useful for getting rid of these toxins.

Your immune system is your most valuable asset during a pandemic. Priming your body’s self-defenses increases your chances of fighting off any type of infection. It can also decrease the severity of your symptoms and shorten the duration of an illness.

The following supplements and guidelines may benefit you:

1) Zinc sulfate. This is a great immune system booster that has been used for many decades to fight the common cold and flu. Most people are deficient in this trace mineral. Supplementing with zinc sulfate offers viral protection during the winter. The latest research also suggests the importance of including zinc in the cocktail combinations used against COVID-19 (1, 2). This supplement is safe when taken at the right dosage.

2) Vitamin D seems to play a crucial role in the body’s ability to fight off disease. As the day gets shorter and sun exposure diminishes, it’s recommended to take Vitamin D supplements on a daily basis. A liquid form has a better absorption rate than a tablet. Dosages can range from 1,000-7,000 IU/d.

3) Probiotics: Have you been on antibiotics recently? If that is the case, take probiotics to restore your gut flora. Eighty percent of your immune system resides in the gut. These friendly bugs are the foundation of your health. They also produce vitamin K2. An essential nutrient that may help in anti-cancer protection.

4) Exercise: Science suggests that staying fit improves your ability to fight germs. Exercise improves circulation and blood oxygenation. It also helps you cope better with stress. Stress is a strong immune suppressor and often the root cause of many illnesses. So being pro-active in your well-being is crucial during this time.

5) Sleep: You may have read about this topic through my previous newsletter, but restorative sleep is crucial in allowing your immune system to function optimally. Book a consultation if you are suffering from sleep issues. As a naturopath, I have successfully treated many cases of insomnia.

Finally, a temperature shock from being exposed to the elements is often responsible for a viral infection. So, dress properly and stay warm at all times during the cold season.

Will you be completely bulletproof from any infection if you follow these suggestions? The answer is no. But you can decrease your likelihood of being sick.

A strong immune system can be a tremendous asset in helping you decrease the chances of catching any diseases.

Do not hesitate to get an individualized consultation to meet the specific needs of your body. As a naturopathic doctor, I can help you prime your immune system in a safe and natural way. Your health is a precious asset and you deserve to be well.

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(1) Doctor claims Ivermectin triple therapy is ‘amazingly effective’ in treating COVID-19.
(2) Dr. John Campbell. COVID-19 and Zinc